Research schools and create a list of those that peak your interest. As you build your list, consider and make notes regarding the following categories to help you discern differences. Sometimes it helps to know what you don’t want in order to discover what you do want.
Create your college wishlist
College name
Dream school
Need to learn more
High Impact - Could start as a Freshman
Medium Impact - Will need to earn and compete for playing time and I may not play much or at all my Freshman year
Low Impact - Willing to be a practice player and may not get any playing time
(Tips: Research current college rosters and the players’ backgrounds; do you have similarities? Watch games live or through links and compare your level of play. Ask club coaches you trust to be honest with you.)
Does the college offer the degrees you are interested in studying?
I don't know
Would you still want to go to the school if you couldn't play soccer?
Make notes of what interests you about the academics, soccer program, conference, student life, campus, etc. Be specific.
This download includes a College Wishlist builder, Interactions Tracker, and Questions to ask colleges coaches, with some they might ask you, providing you the ability to compare responses and all interactions.
(If you are a member of LOOK Club you get this for free. Contact you club rep for access)